A G E N D A Saturday, June 25
7:30am - 8:00am: Registration / Continental Breakfast
provided by Henry Schein
8:00am - 8:50am:
Introduction to the seminar
Abdominal UltraSound Basics
9:00am - 9:50am:
Liver and Gall Bladder
10:00am - 10:50am:
11:00am - 12:00pm:
UltraSound Guided FNA & Biopsy
12:00pm - 12:30pm: Lunch
Provided by "Oncura Partners"
Dry Lab
1:25pm - 2:15pmm:
Urinary Tract
2:20pm - 3:05pm:
3:15pm - 4:00pm:
4:10pm - 5:00pm:
The Small Stuff:
Adrenal Glands, Lymph Nodes, Ascites
A G E N D A Sunday, June 26
7:30am - 8:00am: Registration / Continental Breakfast
provided by Henry Schein
8:00am - 8:50am:
Reproductive Tract
9:00am - 9:50am:
10:00am - 10:50am:
Valvular Disease
11:00am - 12:00pm:
Congenital Defects
12:00pm - 12:30pm: Lunch
Provided by "Oncura Partners"
1:25pm - 2:15pm
Pericardial Disease
& Pulmonary Hypertension
2:20pm - 3:05pm
Thromboembolism, Bubble study,
Neoplasia, & Doppler cases
3:15pm - 4:00pm
Thoracic UltraSound
4:10pm - 5:00pm
Peripheral Tissues
Sponsored by ETVMA
17 CE Hour
Approved for Veterinary Continuing Education in Texas
(Note: Other states may be added on request with sufficient notice)
Seminar Location:
Ellen Trout Education Complex
(at the entrance of Ellen Trout Park/Zoo)
402 Zoo Circle
Lufkin, TX 75904
Office: (936) 630-0574
Zoo: (926) 633-0399
Recently opened
located 1 mile from Seminar
Sleep Inn
2409 North Timberland Dr.
Lufkin, TX 75904
(903) 630-4600
click here to review the hotel
Keynote Speakers & Presenters:
Dr. Wendy Blount & Dr. Brian Huber
An increasing number of animal owners now expect to have diagnostic imaging such as UltraSound
to be a part of the standard of care for their animals. This is due in part to the practice of
veterinary medicine advancing further into the digital age with each passing day. Rather than refer
clients out of their clinic, more and more veterinarians are deciding to provide UltraSound in-house
to offer a more complete service to their patients while adding a valuable profit center.
To help with the transition into this future of veterinary medicine, Dr. Blount and Dr. Huber have
joined together to present the "Practical UltraSound" seminar. They invite you to attend
this unique, first of its kind UltraSound seminar. You'll be presented with a wealth of knowledge you
can put to use starting immediately in your clinic, and in addition you'll fulfill
your total requirement of 17 CE Hours for 2016.
★ This entire seminar a case based exploration
of exactly how UltraSound plays a vital role in successful diagnosis and treatment.
★ You'll also learn many little known and often
overlooked secrets to make sonograms much easier to read and to determine how to put the images you see to
the most effective use.
No matter what your current situation is concerning UltraSound, this seminar has a lot to offer you:
- If you already have UltraSound and are using it in your clinic, this
seminar with enable you to sharpen your skills and reading effectiveness.
- If you have an UltraSound in your clinic, but it's a dust gathering eyesore rather than a useful tool
generating profit for you, this seminar will help you turn that picture around.
- If you don't have an UltraSound but think you might like to, but are concerned that they cost too much
and require too much time and effort to learn to read and use, this seminar will offer you some viable
- Even if you are not sure you want an UltraSound machine for your clinic, this seminar will help you make
that decision based on legitimate factors and logical reasoning.
How do Attendees rate Dr. Blount's Seminars...
After each of Dr. Blount's Seminars, attendees are asked to
anonymously complete a survey by answering questions with scores from 0 to 10. Below are some of
the questions and the current 3 year score average:
- How would you rate the Seminar overall?
- How "practical" was the seminar information you learned?
- Was the seminar knowledge a good value based on your attendance fee?
- Did Dr. Blount convey information in a clear, simple, and easy-to-understand
manner? 9.8
- Do you feel this seminar is one you would recommend to your
colleagues? 9.8
S E M I N A R S P E A K E R S:
Keynote Speaker & Presenter: Wendy Blount, DVM
Dr. Blount is a companion animal (dogs and cats only) veterinarian,
Texas A&M Residency trained in Small Animal Internal Medicine. In addition to her Internal Medicine referral
practice, Dr. Blount conducts Continuing Education Seminars for small animal veterinarians, veterinary
technicians and animal control officers. As well, she teaches an undergraduate college course on "Medicine and
Behavior in the Animal Sheltering Environment" for Duquesne University. She has also served as Medical
Director & Surgeon for SpayNeuterNac and O'Malley PET (Preventing Euthanasia Together).
Dr. Blount has received several prestigious awards including the 2012 Texas Veterinary Medical
Association "Companion Animal Practitioner of the Year" for outstanding contributions to veterinary
medicine, the 2011 "Bilderback Award" for support of the animal sheltering community and the 2004
"TAVP Clinical Referral and Consultation Award" which recognizes contributions made by outstanding
veterinary practitioners.
In vet school and her early days of practice, Dr. Blount developed outstanding UltraSound skills. She
further honed these skills during her Texas A&M Residency under the guidance of some of the best sonographers
in the world. Over the years, she has now become well known for her UltraSound expertise and a veteran
of literally thousands of successful UltraSound exams.
Guest Speaker: Brian Huber, DVM, Dipl ABVP
Dr. Huber is a graduate of Kansas State University College of Veterinary
Medicine. He has acquired over 25 years of experience in the practice of small animal Veterinary
Medicine and the Business of Animal Health. He is certified by the American Board of Veterinary
Practitioners in the Canine and Feline Specialty and his practice is AAHA certified.
Dr. Huber has been involved with advanced medical and diagnostic therapies including investigational
products/devices and working with numerous veterinarians across the U.S. and Canada. He is a
Founder/Partner of the Animal Hospital of Rowlett & Diagnostic Center, and a Founder/Partner
of the Animal Hospital of Heath. He also founded Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, the first mobile
Ultrasound and Endoscopy service in Texas. Dr. Huber holds the positions of Chief Medical
Officer for Stason Animal Health, Consultant and Medical Officer for BioPharma Products, and is the
Founder and President of Oncura Partners.
Oncura Partners features an all new, never before offered, veterinary-specific ultrasound technology.
It is user-friendly, real- time and state-of-the-art. Oncura sonographers are available to remotely connect
to your machine to change settings and assist with scans. Once you have obtained the scan, the Oncura
radiology or cardiology team can easily access it and send you a consult. With Oncura, it is in your clinic,
on your time, with tremendous results.
$200 per day "Standard" Registration Now Available
Your registration fee includes a continental breakfast and hot lunch
provided each day at no charge, plus a Flash-Drive Proceedings which will contain the following and more:
- copies of PowerPoint slides
- copies of client handouts
- tips for system-focused sonograms
- access to download the proceedings in digital format after the seminar
Questions??? Contact Russ at the von Allmen Agency
phone: (936) 564-7792 - e-mail: russ@vonallmen.net
Seminar presented by: